The Jo's Candies Story

1946 was a joy-filled year. The war had ended, and Grandma Josephine, known as "Jo" accidentally dropped a honey graham into a pot of pure melted chocolate and the first chocolate covered graham cracker was born. Much to her surprise, the combination of crunchy graham crackers and sweet, decadent chocolate was a complete hit. She began wrapping the treats in brown paper packages for the postman to pick up and deliver to the growing number of fans who couldn’t live without Jo’s Chocolate Covered Grahams. Eventually, to help meet the demand, Jo saved enough to open a tiny storefront in the sleepy beachtown of Manhattan Beach, California. To this day, beachgoers and locals alike have fond memories of Jo's Candies as their favorite treat.
Over 75 years later, and just down the road in Torrance, we still make our original grahams, and have grown a national cult following. And while we may be a bit more well known than when we started in Jo's home kitchen, we still make the memorable confections that people have loved since the very beginning.
Today, the associates at Jo’s Candies craft chocolates, salted caramels, chocolate barks and other confections with a singular passion—to bring a smile, a little comfort, and a moment of happiness with every bite. Our commitment to “old school” candy-making techniques and use of the highest quality ingredients means you can taste the difference.